Understanding Salary Splits for International Employees

Navigating the complexities of international taxation can be challenging, but understanding salary splits can lead to significant financial benefits for both employees and employers.

Understanding the Basics of Salary Splits

A salary split involves dividing an employee's income across multiple countries where they work. This process ensures that the wages earned in each country are taxed according to the local tax laws. The primary objective is to optimize the tax obligations by taking advantage of different tax regulations and tax-free allowances provided by each country.

Each salary split is customized and depends on several factors, including the employee's country of residence, the countries where they work, and any existing tax treaties between these countries. Each salary split arrangement requires a thorough assessment to align with the applicable tax laws and treaties.

International Tax Treaties and Their Impact on Salary Splits

International tax treaties play a significant role in determining how an employee's income is taxed in different countries. These treaties often stipulate whether the country of residence or the country of work has the right to levy taxes on the earned income. Generally, the country of residence has the primary right to tax, with exceptions where the country of work may also levy taxes.

These exceptions include scenarios where the employer is established in the country of work, the employee works for a permanent establishment in that country, or the employee spends more than 183 days in the country during a specified period. In this respect we have recently posted a blog (https://www.exterus.nl/en/blogs/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-183-day-rule)  as well. Understanding these provisions in tax treaties is crucial for effective salary splits.

Employer Costs with Strategic Salary Splits

Employers can also benefit from strategically implementing salary splits. Additionally, employers can optimize their tax liabilities by structuring salary splits in a way that aligns with the tax regulations of the countries involved. 

Legal and Compliance Considerations for Salary Splits

When implementing salary splits, it is essential to ensure compliance with all relevant labour and tax laws and regulations. Each salary split arrangement must be individually assessed based on the applicable tax treaties and local laws. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in significant penalties and legal issues for both the employer and the employee.

Employers must maintain accurate records and documentation to prove that the wages earned abroad are subject to foreign taxes. This may include obtaining confirmation from foreign tax authorities. Additionally, employers should stay informed about any changes in tax laws and treaties that may impact salary split arrangements.

Do you have employees working internationally and would you like more information about salary splits? Please feel free to reach out with any questions or for further consultation on our website: Free Consultation — Exterus.


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What you need to know about the 183-day rule